Brain Injury

Brain injury can be experienced by anyone at any age, this is a condition that can either cause death or leave you in another chapter of life. Survivors of brain injury need extensive care since they are left with complex and long term problem that will require close attention. Such Patients need close supervision since it is hard for them to depend on their own. People living with a person whose brain is affected they feel as if it is a burden to them. We are here to help you make that person you love the most have a better life.

Relationships with other people will change after a person experiences brain injury, it will be hard to handle them especially after living with them normally there before. We offer a home that has the facilities to accommodate such people, our team is professionally trained. We are certified to take care of people with brain injury.

The moment you have a friend or a relative who have just had brain injury it can be traumatizing and very stressful that is why we advise you to take them in the right place where full attention will be given to them. Brain injury is rarely treated, unless they get the required care. Our services are the best that you can ever get. Having a person with brain injury at your house increases risks since there is no one there to look after there. This is not the end of life, we train people with this kind of situation to enjoy various activities that will keep them active. Medication is also a part of the services, cooking, planning budgeting are well catered for.

For the customers who have experienced what we offer can tell how great we are with our patients. At the institution we are able to make them interact among each other and learn more. Brain injury can occur due to various reasons for example accidents, the moment your head is hit and it is internally damaged one can easily experience brain injury. Another reason can be due to brain tumor or any other disease affecting brain.

We treat our patients according to their situation, our team has been trained to give their best. If there is any complain it is immediately solved by our management. We believe that good management is the key in our institution. Individuals are also asked for their total support as they adjust to the change.

The other amazing thing concerning our services is that we can take care of the person with brain injury at your home, we link with the family and we send our support to the house where you will be seeing the patient close to everyday. The only disadvantage about this is that if the patient will be taken care from home the service will not be 24 hours. The more support is shown to the person with the condition the better the higher the rate of transitioning to a much adaptable life.