Learning Disabilities

People with learning disabilities are special and we understand that.

Individuals with learning disability are ones with reduced intellectual ability and they need more time to do every day work. Whether it’s socializing with others, managing their money or do everyday household work, they face difficulties.

The learning process of individuals with learning disability is slow and thus they require support for developing new skills, interacting with people and understand any complicated information.

One can have different type of learning disability and it can be different for different individual. One may be suffering from mild, moderate or severe learning disability and they will need support according to that.

We support the people with learning disabilities and help them retain a normal life. Those suffering from mild or moderate learning disability may continue their life with help but those suffering from severe learning disability will require support in everything they do. We provide them support in mobility, communication and personal care.

Care designed for specific cases

We understand that every individual with learning disability has different issues. Two people suffering from moderate learning disability will not have same problems. Thus, they need care and support that will help them recover their disabilities.

We design our care plan after discussing everything with the individuals suffering from leaning disability and their family members. We understand their aspirations, hopes and needs and then help them to achieve that. We listen to them, understand them and then help them to be self-sufficient. We communicate with them in their special way to make them feel included.

Promote Quality of life

Our team members are dedicated towards providing the best support to the individuals who are suffering from learning disabilities. We deliver different services to different individuals based on their individual need. While someone with mild to moderate learning disability may need occasional support, people suffering from severe disabilities will need support in every step.

Our specific services are designed after understanding the need of the individual with learning disability. We want to support them with the right staff member who will be best for providing support to them. Our staff members are skilled enough to learn about different problems faced by these individuals and how to help them overcome that and do regular work.

We assist individuals in leading their life in their own way by building the confidence that they lack. Starting from daily routine work to special support, we provide different type of services so that they can get the best that will help them thrive in this competitive world.

We understand that even a person suffering from severe learning disability also has their own wishes and dreams. We realize them and support them in the best way so that they can do something to achieve them. We help them achieve their long and short term goal and participate with their family members to do this best.

We work every day with our trained and compassionate staff members to make life meaningful for these pure souls.