Residential Services

There are individuals who are suffering from severe learning disabilities. It is not possible to take care of them in their home environment.

So, we provide residential services to these individuals at our premises and make them feel at home. Indeed a home away from home. We provide them the best support that they deserve and make life happier for them. Our staff members are well-equipped to understand each individual separately and workout different plans that will make them feel confident.

Each of our residential services are unique and here we accommodate the people with extreme learning disabilities in a comfortable environment. The settings are so designed that they feel it like their own home. Each staff members knows their responsibilities and fulfill it with utmost care.

At our residential services we take care of individuals with complex needs that enables them to live life to the fullest. They learn new life skills that allows them to be more independent in their daily life. Each care user at our residential units are member of the same family and they participate in day to day activities of the home. Here they tend to live with other like-minded people and get the most from their lives. Our staffs are trained enough to take care of these people so that they can develop living skills.

Before we suggest someone to move into our residential services we undertake a thorough assessment to understand the exact need of the individual. We also work on the different ways in which we can support them to lead a positive life full of hope. There are outcome plan for every individual out here and our staff members work according to that. If required, depending upon the condition of the care user there are some changes brought about in the outcome plan.

We have nurses for those individuals who cannot take care of themselves. We want to help them learn doing things and become self-sufficient. It is our endeavor to bring about a change in the life of those people who need it most.